Well it’s been more than 3 weeks since I turned into 21!! And I don’t in the least bit feel like it!!
When I was a kid.. I used to think people become scholars, intellects and gain all possible wisdom at 21 years of age!( Now I say it’s at 51 !! ;) )
And so, I wanted to be 21!
And so, I wanted to be 21!
I realize now... I’ve been in the dark..!! Life is not so dull and boring when you are 21!!
I end up writing this post because I was feeling low and down before my 21st birthday!
But then all the blues were gone after the big day!
I end up writing this post because I was feeling low and down before my 21st birthday!
But then all the blues were gone after the big day!
Now I’m beginning to like it!
For one... There’s no much difference between being 20 and 21! I believe I’m still just as immature, adventurous and lazy!
But there is a slight difference... You tend become more ambitious (E.g. Damn! I really need that job!! HELLO! I need more money to strike off my wish list!), studious (E.g. I hope I crack this entrance test!)And few of us, like my friend, end up with great internships (You simply don’t wanna waste your time!). May be this is growing up and growing up is all about freaking out!!

But there is a slight difference... You tend become more ambitious (E.g. Damn! I really need that job!! HELLO! I need more money to strike off my wish list!), studious (E.g. I hope I crack this entrance test!)And few of us, like my friend, end up with great internships (You simply don’t wanna waste your time!). May be this is growing up and growing up is all about freaking out!!
Giggling on silly jokes you crack with your friends, making fun of each other, fighting with your siblings, watching cartoons, having gala time criticizing people, 

dressing up in tees when you need to be in formals, crazy adventures,
clicking pictures for DPs, feigning illness to bunk college.... still play a major role in your life! After all.. U are just out of your teens!
If you call this immaturity... I beg to differ! This is how it is at 21! And you probably are lying to yourself if you don’t feel the same!
If you call this immaturity... I beg to differ! This is how it is at 21! And you probably are lying to yourself if you don’t feel the same!
Next time you pinch the cheeks of a kid and pat his back... Remember; don’t pretend to be all grown up! Coz you aren’t really :D and there’s a lot we don’t know about life at 21! We are all just twenty + 1!! And enjoy being 21 while you can...
The age keeps troubling you and keeps popping in your mind! (:O Look at the no. of 21s i’ve typed in the post!!!) .. But just let it pass.. And don’t let it bother you all the time!!!